1. (o)thers - Crazy Blues (Caught On Tape At The Fillmore Jazz festival)
2. Mystified - Crazy Blues (40 days and 40 nights remix)
3. Ars Sonor - Morning Blues
4. Jack Hertz - Blues Sounds
5. Luciftias - We Are Tomorrow's Past
6. Saluki Regicide - Undertaker Man
7. The Implicit Order - Crazy Blues
8. Tree Helicopter - Doctor's Gonna Do
9. Grove of Whispers - Crazy Blues (shallow grave mix)
Source's preview
Near as I recall, this compilation was inspired by a remark made in the stillstream.com chatroom by Joe McMahon. I was manipulating the Crazy Blues 78 with the Buddhalizer live towards the end of a Sadayatana podcast. Joe remarked: "I really like this. Acid ambient". The rest--as they say--is history. Thank you Joe.