Techno-Релизы    2013    January
[45E014-2013] Symatic Star & Sheleah Nahshon - Quintessence

[45E014-2013] Symatic Star & Sheleah Nahshon - Quintessence

Catalog: 45E014-2013
Format: MP3 320Kbps
Released: 15.01.2013
Styles: Ambient Drone
Total time: 42:02
Size: 224.2 MB

1. Above (17:00)
2. Below (17:55)
3. Quintessence (7:07)

Source's preview
Quintessence is a sonic-alchemical collaboration of partners Simon Walsh (Symatic Star) and Sheleah Nahshon, who live in the precious bio diverse coastal forests of South Western Australia.
All of the sounds on this playful and deeply atmospheric ambient album are made with Simon and Sheleah's voices, both raw and electronically modulated and sculpted.


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