Techno-Релизы    2013    November
[Sadayatana 159] Silent Country

[Sadayatana 159] Silent Country

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 159
Format: MP3 142Kbps
Released: 16.11.2013
Styles: Drone Ambient Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:11:03
Size: 194.7 MB

00:00 - Measureless Painting - Стремление к совершенству (Aspiration For Perfection)
01:41 - The Large - Small Galaxies
17:42 - Disturbed Earth - Buoy
28:33 - Disturbed Earth - Wonderland demo (unreleased)
29:07 - Disturbed Earth - Wonderland demo 2 (unreleased)
37:22 - Akoustik Timbre Frekuency - Samadhi
47:35 - Disturbed Earth - Hotel
52:26 - Disturbed Earth - Jalousie
78:39 - onewayness - 145.775 MHz Repetidor
83:08 - Backyard Ghost - Tumulus
90:47 - The Large - Oval Verdict
104:30 - Another Antidote - Pieces You Can't Sew
112:09 - Grove of Whispers - 2013-11-16
119:08 - Backyard Ghost - Strigoi
128:38 - Grove of Whispers (featuring pixyblink) - Night Window
136:34 - Grove of Whispers (featuring pixyblink) - Carmilla
147:11 - SM/SM - Acherontic Crypt
154:41 - Scott Lawlor - Meadows Of Summer
167:52 - Palancar - Inversion Of Control
169:23 - CAF - Dub 1 (edit 3)
175:13 - Altocumulus - Evelyn in the Desert
180:59 - Scott Lawlor - Wonderland: Alice
184:49 - Suspense OTRR Set - Suspense 600320 845 Talk About Caruso (64-32) 11373 24m05s
187:16 - Enrico Caruso - Tosca, E lucevan le stelle (April 1903)
189:34 - Scott Lawlor - The Space Between The Leaves

Source's preview
...Perhaps the logical question to ask at this point is: Why go? The answer is that when a man has been there and undergone the baptism of solitude he can't help himself. Once he has been under the spell of the vast luminous, silent country, no other place is quite strong enough for him, no other surroundings can provide the supremely satisfying sensation of existing in the midst of something that is absolute. He will go back, whatever the cost in time or money, for the absolute has no price. - Paul Bowles, Their Heads are Green and Their Hands are Blue: Scenes from the Non-Christian World


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