Techno-Релизы    2013    November
[Sadayatana 161] A Haunted Life

[Sadayatana 161] A Haunted Life

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 161
Released: 30.11.2013
Styles: Drone Ambient Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:05:58
Size: 186 MB

00:00 - Grove of Whispers - Music for Air Conditioners (part 4)
21:31 - Grove of Whispers - Music for Air Conditioners (part 1)
22:48 - Wings of an Angel - Lightworkers Are Us
55:31 - Grove of Whispers - Music for Air Conditioners (part 2)
85:44 - Grove of Whispers - Music for Air Conditioners (part 3)

Source's preview
I woke up as the sun was reddening; and that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didn't know who I was — I was far away from home, haunted and tired with travel, in a cheap hotel room I'd never seen, hearing the hiss of steam outside, and the creak of the old wood of the hotel, and footsteps upstairs, and all the sad sounds, and I looked at the cracked high ceiling and really didn't know who I was for about fifteen strange seconds. I wasn't scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost. I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future. - Jack Kerouac, On The Road (written in 1951 and published in 1957)


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