Techno-Релизы    2013    October
[bsc_038] Bite - Room

[bsc_038] Bite - Room

Label: Basic Sounds
Catalog: bsc_038
Format: MP3 320Kbps
Released: October 2013
Styles: Ambient

Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Source's preview
Multi-talented Spanish producer and videographer Jos? Barrera (aka Bite) delivers Room, his second outstanding EP for basic_sounds. Known for his dark immersive ambient drones Bite delivers a passionate balance between eerie and warmth.

The first titled track, “Room 01” is a dark, contemplative soundscape with digital organic quirks combined with buzzing, alluding to bleak feelings regarding the state of the world. This concept is reinforced in Barrera’s video. “Room 02” is another eerie track with slow static pulses and alien-like rattlesnake sounds, ultimately creating a deep immersive environment. “Room 03” is a calming warm ambient track with delicate floating synth strings combined with field recordings of rain and birds. “Room 04” is an other-worldly dub track with pulsating pads and distant reverberations. Closing this release, “Room 05” is a clinical, Raster Noton style track with reductive clicks and whirrs juxtaposed with warm pulsing pads. Overall, another stunning polished release from Bite.


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Basic Sounds 
Deep-Techno Dub-Techno  
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