Techno-Релизы    2013    September
[Zimmer102] Sergio Gusto - Del Dios

[Zimmer102] Sergio Gusto - Del Dios

Catalog: Zimmer102
Format: MP3 320Kbps
Released: 08.09.2013
Styles: Ambient Deep-House Minimal
Total time: 33:47
Size: 78.0 MB

1. Sergio Gusto – Black Swant
2. Sergio Gusto – Black Dance
3. Sergio Gusto – Spring Day
4. Sergio Gusto – Andromeda
5. Sergio Gusto – Mindcrime

Source's preview
NASA announced today that its Curiosity Rover has found an unambiguous message from God written on tablets in a Martian cave. According to an official press release two giant stone slabs the size of small elephants were located deep inside a cavern abutting Aeolis Mons, a large mountain. Upon one tablet is a copy of the Ten Commandments and the text of John 3:16 written in 12 languages – including English, Spanish, Chinese, Basque and Hebrew. On the other tablet is a simple message in English reading “I am real.” [dailycurrant]


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