Techno-Релизы    2013    September
[Sadayatana 150] Pool of Memory

[Sadayatana 150] Pool of Memory

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 150
Format: MP3 129Kbps
Released: 14.09.2013
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 02:05:11
Size: 116.0 MB

00:00 - Antropsy vs 1.194 trips to dissociate - Your Ocean Is Mine
00:41 - Mystified - Frosted Tundra
04:19 - Grove Of Whispers - experimental (unreleased)
12:06 - Malevolent Alien Being - The Eye Of God
38:31 - Nagual Art - Adoria
44:32 - Druh? Smrt - Recurrent
52:28 - Nagual Art - Bedroom Visitors
53:12 - Immundus - Gazing into Murky Mirrors w_ Akoustik Timbre Frekuency (edit version)
57:16 - Nagual Art - The Whisperbox
58:33 - Nors'Klh - l'Astre Sableux
63:14 - Halgrath - Irae Seithoria
73:39 - Grove of Whispers - Frozen (featuring Michelle Yom)
83:45 - Grove of Whispers - Live 2013-08-14
92:43 - Grove of Whispers - Grove of Whispers - Bruja (prototype testing)
102:22 - Tree Helicopter - The Numbest Station
111:46 - Backyard Ghost - Drawing Down The Moon
118:15 - Altocumulus - Evelyn in the Desert

Source's preview
Some slight haziness there may have been, as if a few dark drops had fallen into the clear pool of memory; certain things had become a little dimmed; but that was all.

- Virginia Woolf, Orlando: A Biography (1928)


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