Techno-Релизы    2014    January
[Sadayatana166] A Sweet Ache

[Sadayatana166] A Sweet Ache

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana166
Format: MP3 135 kbps
Released: January 2014
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Size: 174.3 MB

00:00 - Stuart Chalmers - Waking / Rebirth
00:28 - Eucci - apt.
10:00 - Willy Stamati - Responsorium
18:13 - DARKSTAR83 - Twilight On The Still Water
22:22 - DARKSTAR83 - Birds Can Fall In Love
29:52 - Blank Sphere - Anxiety Pt.1
44:29 - Wings of an Angel - Highway 90 - From The Dead Sea of Galilee To Beit She'an
73:39 - Grove of Whispers - 2014-01-17 (featuring Amir Baghiri)
118:02 - DARKSTAR83 - Black Ink
124:59 - The Implicit Order - Flowers Of Evil
127:27 - The Implicit Order - The D'ampton Wyrm
130:35 - The Implicit Order - Which Side Are You On?
141:42 - The Implicit Order - One Night Stand
149:55 - The Implicit Order - I Just Dropped In
155:13 - Willy Stamati - Offertorium
160:31 - Willy Stamati - Graduale
162:54 - cdrx - Rock'n'roll station
175:42 - Willy Stamati - Introit

Source's preview
A carnival in daylight is an unfinished beast, anyway. Rain makes it a ghost. The wheezing music from the empty, motionless rides in a soggy, rained-out afternoon midway always hit my chest with a sweet ache. The colored dance of lights in the seeping air flashed the puddles in the sawdust with an oily glamour.
- Katherine Dunn, Geek Love (1989)


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