Techno-Релизы    2014    November
Megablast - The Lucid Podcast 076

Megablast - The Lucid Podcast 076

Label: Lucidflow
Released: 30.11.2014
Styles: Techno Podcast
Total time: 01:03:26
Size: 152.6 MB

Source's preview
A while ago my favourite radio station played a jazzy lounge tune that I couldn’t get out of my head – so beautiful, warm and soulful that I had to send a message to ask for the title and artist.

I must admit I was a little surprised about the answer: Megablast – it was just not in line with this soft, warm and beautiful piece of music titled ‘Sun’ that I bought right away.

I am delighted to air a great dj mix from Sascha aka Megablast on The Lucid Podcast…
Unfortunately he’s too busy atm for answering an interview but let the music do the talking. :) Thank you, Sascha and safe travels!


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