Techno-Релизы    2014    October
[Sadayatana 200] The Beauty of Dreams

[Sadayatana 200] The Beauty of Dreams

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 200
Released: 19.10.2014
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 02:03:30
Size: 103.2 MB

00:00 - Pavonine - we could never know the stars
10:58 - Ambient Fabric - Part 1
20:14 - Microvolt - Lachesis
26:12 - Microvolt - Clotho
29:41 - Seetyca - the invention of sorrowe
38:33 - Somnarium - Part I Temple of Bone
72:52 - Somnarium - Part IV Known by the Shadow Cast
73:13 - Somnarium - Part V Gilded Fugue State
84:36 - Somnarium - Part III Sunken Operetta
93:07 - Somnarium - Part VI Wreath
97:21 - Seetyca - silence, pt. 1
112:47 - Somnarium - Part VII A Fabric That Stings
118:08 - Somnarium - Part II Congregation

Source's preview
The beauty of dreams and sleeping is that it shows us when we dream that we are building worlds. And we build them freshly every night and we build them freshly every day, when we are awake and when we are asleep. It's a constant process of creation, and the altered states that we experience when we sleep happen to everybody every night.
- Robert Rich


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