Techno-Релизы    2014    October
Terry Lee Brown Jr. - The Lucid Podcast 072

Terry Lee Brown Jr. - The Lucid Podcast 072

Label: Lucidflow
Released: 26.10.2014
Styles: Deep-Techno Podcast
Total time: 59:22
Size: 136.2 MB

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As the temperatures drop (at least in Berlin) it’s time to warm up our bodies and souls with some exellent warm deepness and who else could be more eligible than Terry Lee Brown Jr.? There! …no need to mention I’ve been fan of his music since I got introduced to his ‘From Dub Til Dawn’ killer album on vinyl in 2000… I must have listened to ‘Lost and Found’ around 11111 times or maybe 11112. Eventually time to thank you for the joy & goosebumps! ;-)

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