Techno-Релизы    2014    September
Sadayatana 197 - Dark to Dark

Sadayatana 197 - Dark to Dark

Label: Sadayatana
Format: MP3 142 kbps
Released: 27.09.2014
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 02:36:37
Size: 159.8 MB

00:00 - Deleno na Nula - Electric Mantra
05:22 - f l o d - Eulogia 2
11:01 - Psychic Hybrid - Finding The Hidden Pathway
28:06 - christian doil - astrolabium
34:28 - christian doil - das wesen der zeit
47:38 - Marc-Henri Arfeux - Study Of Black Matter
62:31 - christian doil - raumzeit
68:23 - Earthly Beasts - Erebus
74:45 - Marc-Henri Arfeux - Study Of White Matter
117:56 - Emiliano Hernández-Santana - Llano
128:44 - christian doil - vakuum

Source's preview
And as he lay there a far crack of lightning went bluely down the sky and bequeathed him in an embryonic bird's first fissured vision of the world and transpiring instant and outrageous from dark to dark a final view of the grotto and the shapeless white plasm struggling upon the rich and incunabular moss like a lank swamp hare.

- Cormac McCarthy, Outer Dark (1968)


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